The Monsters are my buff orpingtons and what look like some kind of Wyandotte. This is a total of 5 chicks only they are getting HUGE. They will probably go out next week as they are down to just needing the heads to be fully feathered. They are also UGLY at this point.
The mini monsters are my three banties and four barred rocks. The banties are probably about the age of the monsters, at least they have the same feather development. The barred rocks are a few weeks younger. They are still getting feathers and are just now starting to get their stripes.
The peeps are last week's editions from Snoozin' Goose Ranch. They are two weeks old on Saturday and just cute. There are ten of them. They are starting to feather a bit at the wing and that is it.
So those are the youngest members of the hardworking flock.
Next week we have Stella and Birdie (our herd queen) due within three days of each other. Emma will be due a week after that. All three are uddering up and looking good!
Visit Farm Friend's Friday!
Sounds like a lot of fun!