You know there's probably a plethora of blogs I've started and abandoned. I don't have a problem with them but when things change I feel I need one.
So where do I start?
After three years in Southeastern Idaho, I moved back to my childhood home. Did I want to? Nope. Am I still mentally kicking and screaming about it? Yes.
I loved Idaho, I still do, the Rocky Mountain Region has the largest place in my heart. But economic necessity moved me back with my parents. They have recently adopted a little boy (known here only as "the Dude") and were happy to have an extra set of hands to help with him and the various chores around the homestead.
My parents had goats when I got here, namely American Alpines. Within three months I had added in chickens (Brahmas, a Buff Orpington and an Ameracauna), Coturnix quail (for meat and eggs) and a couple of alpacas. Thankfully my father allows me to raise the animals here on their land and helps finance my critter raising habits (as I have still been unable to find a job).
We'll be getting more chickens and some turkeys in the spring. Plus baby goat season is coming so it will be busy even if I'm not working. Not to mention the gardening and other things.
The Dude himself takes a portion of attention. He's funny and loves the animals. I can take the egg basket out and he points at it and says "Egg? Egg!" It does feel odd at the age of 31 to have a "baby brother" but I'm adjusting quite well.
We are all active reenactors here - though with my current state of unemployment my SCA activities have been curtailed in the extreme. My parents are more into the Revolutionary war era but I prefer the middle ages. Call it rebellion or just call it what I like! I have my own set of plate armor although I haven't worn it in quite some time. I have been trained for heavy weapons fighting, however right now I'd get my rear end handed to me with an assortment of bruises because I am so far out of practice!
I'm also a hard core gamer geek - though my guildees may think it offputting when I say "I need to go do barn chores". I play World of Warcraft on Icecrown server. My main is a protection paladin and I love her. I have two other alts that I adore too, a shadow priest and an enhancement shaman. (all three of my characters have healing specs as well.)
That's me in a nutshell.
Sounds wonderful, you are lucky to have such a nice place to land. Sounds like a nice variety of animals to keep you occupied - good luck!