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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Evicting the Monsters

So the days have gotten warm and happy and it was time.

The monsters went out yesterday, along with three of the mini monsters (the bantams were fully feathered).

The mystery chicks have been judged by a majority to be black sex-link pullets. They are supposed to be EXCELLENT producers of brown eggs, so if that's the case I won't complain. We did put them out in the dog crate for a bit on Tuesday so I could clean the brooder and made a discovery.

One of the buffs is a rather precocious cock. Yep a cock. He was trying to show off his elite skills to everyone. But he's a VERY good size and seems to be a good bird so we may keep him as the cock for the younger flock. We'll wait and see. (We also have a bantam cock, but he's a big fraidy cat. Mom said if he didn't behave his name was going to be pow wow fan. He's a gorgeous dark brown)

But the larger birds did go out to the hen palace, and hopefully soon the barred rocks too (I"m giving them a week to get the last of the feathers on their heads). However, we came in after Sunday night service and they hadn't come back INTO the coop from the run. So Dad and I went out and got them back into the coop and blocked them in. (Their Mom would teach them but I guess I'm Mom :) )

But in the shuffle, the cockerel bit at me. I wasn't sure what to think. But I did grab at him in the dark and he was gathering his ladies behind him. He bears watching - possibly as a definite breeder because of his size and his protective instincts. As long as he doesn't get aggressive to me we're good.

In goat news we may have Stella babies today or tomorrow. Birdie is due on Sunday. I gave up a chance to go to Bag Sale Day (Our local thrift store has a bag sale first Tues and Thurs of every month - fill a paper bag for $3) because of it so the dude and I are here - I take him out to check with me, but hopefully Mom will get home soon so I can put straw down. The barn lot is a bit muddy and it's hard to go back and forth to get straw with a small toddler.

Should be an interesting weekend! After we get all the chicks out I get to get turkeys and guineas!

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